Creating Dynamic Muslims to be Future Leader
Rules : Klik di sini untuk cek dan validasi kode referral Anda Click here to check and validate your referral code Tidak berlaku untuk siswa yang sudah ada (saudara kandung). Not applicable for existing students (siblings). Hadiah hanya berlaku jika penerima referensi telah melunasi enrollment. Rewards are applicable only if the recipients of the reference have already transferred the enrollment fee. Referer harus mendaftar untuk mendapatkan kode referal melalui situs web resmi Syafana. The referee must register to get the referral code via the official Syafana website. Hadiah akan diakumulasikan dan dibayarkan pada akhir periode pendaftaran. Rewards will be accumulated and paid by the end of the enrollment period. Kode referal harus dimasukkan dalam formulir pendaftaran. The referral code must be entered in the registration form. Hanya berlaku untuk siswa eksternal. Only applicable for external students. Kode referensi dianggap sah jika pendaftar menyatakan bahwa mereka mendapatkan referensi. The referral code is considered valid if the applicant confirms that they received a reference. Keputusan panitia PPDB adalah mutlak. The committee's decision is final.
Rules :